keeper n. 1.看守人;看护人;猎场看守人;动物园的饲养员。 2.管理人,保管人〔英国常用作官职名〕。 3.(商店客栈等的)所有者,经营者。 4.衔铁,永磁衔铁。 5.【机械工程】保位物;止动螺帽,锁紧螺母;夹子,夹头,卡箍。 6.履行者,遵守者;记录员。 7.耐藏的水果[蔬菜]。 a park keeper〔美国〕运动场管理员;〔英国〕猎场管理员。 a shop keeper店主。 keeper of magnet 保磁用衔铁。 oil keeper油承。 a keeper of his words 说话算数的人。 a good [bad] keeper耐藏的[不耐藏的]物品。 the K- of the Exchange and Mint 〔英国〕造币局局长。 the K- of the King's Conscience (作国王国务上行为负责人的)大法官。 the K- of the Privy Seal 〔英国〕御玺官。 the Lord K- (of the Great Seal) 〔英国〕国玺官。 adj. -less ,-ship n.
In addition , for facilitating the operation of matches , several timekeepers , caller announcers , record keepers , and score supervisors shall be appointed 为使比赛顺利进行,将指定计时员、报分员、记录员数名和分数监督员。
You need innovators and meticulous record keepers . you need programmers who can trudge through details and those who can see the big picture 您需要创新者和小心翼翼的记录保持者,也需要能够深入细节的编程者和能够把握宏观方向的编程者。
The goal and the measurement method of the comprehensive record keeper ' s card are a kind of measurement mode for implementing the distant view and the strategy and the future performance of enterprises " e - business . to investigate the performance of the new mode not merely from the enterprise ' s realistic profit but from the four respects such as financial affairs , customers , inside management , study and growth 综合记分卡的目标及衡量方法是对实施电子商务的企业的远景、战略和未来业绩的衡量模式,不单关注于企业现实的利润,而是从财务、客户、内部经营过程和学习与成长四个方面来考察企业采用了新的商务模式后的绩效。